Sunday, July 8, 2007

Family Reunion

The brothers: Josh, Ryan, & Paul

This past week we had a bit of a family reunion. My husband's brothers came into town. We actually had 11 people staying in our 3 bedroom/2 bath home. There was Ryan & Me, Christopher, Anthony, Gabi & Preston (Jeremy is in Connecticut for the summer), Paul (Ryan's youngest brother) & Ruth (Paul's mom) & Jeff (Paul's adopted father), Charlene (Paul's girlfriend), & Josh (another of Ryan's brothers). We had a great time. We barbecued, sang Karaoke, played games, did fireworks & just plain old hung out together. My favorite part is always hearing them reminisce the old days. We seen Paul just last month when we went to Ohio for his high school graduation. We last seen Josh 2 Christmases ago. But Josh and Paul hadn't seen each other in something like 14 years! We've vowed to get together every 4th of July from here on out!

Yes! That is a baby bottle they are putting Bacardi Rum in. Of course it's not for the baby! The rum for the daiquiris called for a certain number of ounces and they couldn't figure how many ounces were in a cup, so they improvised by using Preston's bottle.

1 comment:

Nana said...

I love all of the photos. Wish I could have been there.