Sunday, August 12, 2007

Brave Kitty

Ryan sat Preston on the floor today, and the cat walked up to him. Brave move from the cat considering Preston has been eyeing the cat since he was aware of her existence. So, of course, Preston leans over towards the cat and grabs her in a head lock. After that, Preston tumbles forward since sitting up is a relatively new accomplishment for him. Preston began crying, and I immediately scooped him up to console him to find he had a hand full of kitty fur.

And as for the picture above: That is Jersey, our dear, fat kitty. Typically, in this house we just call her fat kitty. This picture was taken of her after Jeremy put a deflated spiky ball on her head. She doesn't look very amused, and she sat there after he placed it on her head for at least a half-hour.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello !

I have visited your blog. It has been a pleasure to read you.

I wish you the best.

Damn Receipt.