Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Growing Up- Preston Style

Preston is really growing up fast. Look at some of his activities from just yesterday from Preston's view:
I can ride in a cart like a big boy at Walgreen's! Mommy says Walgreen's is an awesome place! Find out why by clicking here!

That's me in the cart playing with a squishy, spikey ball!

I can be silly and take a picture with a toy on my head!

I can wear a Indianapolis Colts hat like daddy!

I can sit in the yard and enjoy the sun, shade, and grass!

I can even type on the computer! I may just start blogging, too!

1 comment:

Tara Bennett said...

I finally got a chance to come see your blogs and I'm glad I did. It's so evident how much love you have for your whole family. They are very blessed to have you as a mommy! Though I suspect you feel more blessed to have them. They are adorable!!